Visited a public men's restroom. The urinal walls barely went to my sternum. Why would anyone think this is OK?
3 months ago
It's funny how different cultures have different norms about toilet or private body space etiquette. Having grown up in UK culture I have no great problem with the 'wall urinal', yet when I go to the US and you have a 2 foot gap at the bottom of the sit down cubicles, that feels very weird and non-private. The Germans on the other hand find the Brits to be prudes because they can't see what is the big deal with going to a shared mixed sex sauna. We're funny, us humans... 路 3 months ago
@jsreed5 oh man.. Nope with capital N 路 3 months ago
Manchester city centre used to have outdoor urinals where you'd stand in the middle of a busy street to wee. Not sure if they're still there. Might have used them once for the novelty, can't quite remember since I'd have been drunk. 路 3 months ago
same here, or we just take a short visit behind the bush. we outback people are not ashamed to drain the lizard together xD 路 3 months ago
@jsreed5 Those style of urinals are still quite common in older British pubs. 路 3 months ago
The town I grew up in had a drive-in cinema. The men's restroom there had, instead of individual urinals, one large trough that took up a entire wall: no stalls, no dividers, no privacy. It's odd to think about in today's culture, but that's what I got used to. 路 3 months ago