There are quite a few leftists here, so I have a question for you (or for anyone who reads leftist political theory). Do you know a modern article (in English or French) who criticizes religion (not a religion or religions, but the religious phenomenon *per se*) from a materialist (dialectical or not)point of view? I think the most recent thing I read is Bukharin…
11 months ago · 👍 arman
@arman I tend (erroneously) to link materialism to leftism, but my question indeed was for materialism in general. It's just that, among leftists, materialism is widespread. · 11 months ago
It's certainly out of my own ignorance but I'm curious why you're specifically seeking /leftist/ reading material. I would assume the materialist qualifier would suffice. · 11 months ago
Not quite heard arguments against religion itself from a materialist POV. The closist thing I heard was explaning religon form a evolutional standpoint. Explaining why humans could have evolved religion. Or refuting realigons as a source of knowledge. Basically why the scientific method works and will continue improve. Yet realigius explnations of things will contain more and more bagage as times goes on. · 11 months ago