
Today was a really productive day. I dedicated most of it on setting up the basic structure for a terminal-based roguelike written in Python, and also this capsule!

I have many ongoing projects at the moment. Thankfully returning to work has been very chill for now, leaving a lot of free time to spend on my crazy endevours.

I currently feel quite tired. I'm not having a lot of sleep these days. My mind has been quite rentless. Paradoxically, I feel a lot of comfort and silence when warping myself to a coding trance projected on the holographic panels of my digital garden.

People around me (family, friends, partner, etc) hardly ever understand what I'm doing. I try to describe to them things like "a Mastodon bot", or "a Gemini capsule", and regardless of how articulated I can be with the explanation, they tend to stare me with a mysterious poker face. I find it quite funny.

This week has brought some really interesting challenges. The Pendulum oscillates, first to the left, then to the right, a vibration.
