She's back. It was nice while it lasted, even if we did run out of tons of food stuffs, and had been living off of pizza and soda for days and days. Wonder when she's going to go to the store. Be nice if she gave me the autonomy to ensure we don't run out of shit when she's not here.
fucking dog
disturbed the wire
cut the power
had a full list typed out
was on a roll
never saved it
hopefully the buffer gets emailed to me later
fucking dog
why won't my sister leave the fucking house already?!
Something I'm noticing with articles posted here in the gemini space, that have been ported over from the gopher space, and have footnote "links", many times the numbers in the text don't line up with the numbers the gemini client gives the links. Something to consider while you are publishing stuff here kthxbye
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