~konomo - Kennedy Mentions Index

Mentions of ~konomo appear on 28 pages in gemini space.

tilde.team figlet banner

How to add cover art to a FLAC file in the command line

How to export to an A4 PDF using Org mode

Switching from bashblog to independence!

Away with the dirtier hack (and hello to something good!)

October Updates

The (uneventful) quest to find bashrc


Pendulum - The Other Side

Der kleine Zwerg im Zwergenland


Lost in Music

My name is Lilith

My name is (still) Lilith

I saw myself in the reflection, and I was happy

P-Writing and E-Writing

Tote Namen

Both of My Parents Are COVID-Positive

A Marble Against an Orchestra


The Failure of a Generation

Two Years

Archive of my Suffering

The Thread

A Big Step

The “Cut Warning” trope

What Remains Of Me

Fleisch und Blut