20 Apr
"I have very fond memories of studying for two years in the Old Tech building on Northgate Street as a student of Athlone RTC back in 1987/88 and it truly pains me to see it in such a dilapidated state in recent years.
"In my role as as Mayor of Athlone, I gave a commitment to examine all credible options for this building. I remain committed to this cause and much work has been happening in this regard behind the scenes.
"The building has looked depressingly idle for far too many years. The current leaseholders are TUS and upon the lease reaching its natural conclusion in 2027, the building will most likely return to the control of Westmeath County Council," Cllr O'Rourke asserted.
The Cathaoirleach is of the view that the building, being a commanding structure in the heart of Athlone, needs to be repurposed and put to good use as soon as possible.
"During my term as Mayor, a feasibility study and plans were executed to repurpose the building into a ‘co-working enterprise hub’ and my preference was that we would advance this idea in close partnership with TUS, the current leaseholders.
"The building is in the centre of Athlone town, located adjacent to the new cycleway and not far from the motorway. Realistically, it is the perfect location for a centre of learning/enterprise support/remote working/incubation for new businesses.
"With the assistance of the Just Transition Fund and Athlone Chamber of Commerce, a feasibility study and plans were produced. These were shared with TUS and both the council and TUS agreed that an enterprise hub was indeed the manner in which to progress development.
"I am determined that we find the right fit for this beautiful, listed building, one that is sustainable into the long-term. My aspirational vision is for a new modern economic support facility incorporating an educational arrangement in partnership with the new Technological University. A co-working facility, one that supports new fledgling businesses and one that enables people who would otherwise commute to work, to base themselves instead in a modern corporate facility with all the necessary digital and technological services and facilities required in the corporate world today," Cllr O'Rourke added.
The Cathaoirleach recently met with Vincent Cunnane, President of TUS, to discuss how the potential development was progressing and was assured that the third level institution is working on advanced design plans for the building which will be shared with the council in due course.
"I reminded him that substantial Just Transition funding is available for an enterprise facility in Athlone, so the capital funding would be available were we to make an application, and the sooner we do that the better. Mr Cunnane left me in now doubt that he is committed to the project and he would personally ensure that progress will be made soon.
"From a personal perspective, given my own personal connection with the building I feel an added sense of responsibility to see this building brought back to life and to see it contribute once again to education and enterprise in Athlone. I will continue to work to ensure it happens," Cllr O'Rourke concluded.