I'm a GenX metalhead from New York who codes for a living and writes bad science fantasy.
2023-04-03 poem for a mass resignation
2021-09-16 I've been away a while...
2021-05-31 Watch Out for Audiencr
2021-05-29 i hate fast food (rant)
2021-05-27 I Think I'll Keep My Mask
2021-05-23 How I Know It's Time to Leave
2021-05-20 The First Fiction I've Written Since January
2021-05-18 Just the Text, Huh?
2021-05-10 Buy a House, Get Noticed by Scammers
2021-04-30 Retrieving and Cleaning the Limyaael Rants
2021-04-14 rockout - generate and listen to playlists in your terminal
2021-03-31 Something I Wrote Over a Decade Ago
2021-03-31 Testing Post-From-Shell
2021-01-20 A little experiment
2021-01-18 He wasn't exactly a hero, but...
2021-01-14 The Revenge of Borgia Pizza
2021-01-11 Thoughts on the January 6 Insurrection Attempt (CW for US politics)
2021-01-10 Excerpt from the draft of *When You Don't See Me*
2021-01-09 My Wife Gave Me an AlphaSmart 3000 for Christmas
2021-01-04 The Milgram Battery (fiction)
2021-01-02 Re: ~nsilvestri Mirror
2020-12-30 Re: ~oracle (Filial Piety Considered Harmful)
2020-12-29 Re: "I can't say I'm pleased" by @firefliesblueskies
2020-12-29 Filial Piety Considered Harmful