New bio:
writer, Sysadmin poser, CLI geek, general fiend of the WWW - maintainer of Ctrl-ZINE, a Ctrl-C/Smol Web Collaborative
OG bio:
tffb - too fast for blog (but just me, TM)
I'm a zine-maker from St Louis, newbie Sysadmin, and lover of the Web. Midnight(.pub) rounds of coffee are always a nice treat every now and again, and the people here are really quite nice. I drink tons of coffee, send too many e-mails, and someday hope to become a repulsive meme.
2023-04-22 can you hear it, calling in the air tonight. hold on
2023-04-19 obscene amt of zines
2023-04-06 what must be said, "must" not be said
2023-03-19 hey Midnight patrons, lookie here
2023-03-01 Pentester for Socials
2023-02-09 Turn up, write on, and slop out
2022-12-18 as per my last post I made here...
2022-12-11 well then, I will just say a little something right here :)
2022-12-04 clubs, corners, and correspondence - a blog renaissance(?), and a smol web takes shape
2022-11-25 you've been blogroll'd, Midnighters (and Happy Thanksgiving)
2022-10-27 how did you start dev (for those who do)?
2022-10-25 a stop in at The Midnight
2022-09-24 Assembling some notes on Assembly Language
2022-09-12 "I want to publish zines, and rage against the machine..."
2022-08-26 "nothing's gonna change my world"
2022-08-07 didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strange bloggers?
2022-07-12 listening to Jazz, and all that Jazz
2022-07-08 the beauty of shallow Pop
2022-07-03 the rain, the explosions, the neighbor from Hell
2022-06-16 zine compiling, and coffee consumption
2022-06-15 ups, downs, all arounds
2022-05-29 a four-course meal of horse, of course
2022-05-25 caffeinated hospitality
2022-05-23 a late night visit, at the corner of the bar
2022-05-16 (Mid)night pubbing, we're (Mid)night pubbing, we're walking to town
2022-05-15 it's almost midnight, so here's an entry for THE Midnight
2022-05-11 a midnight round of coffee (exactly one year later)
2021-05-12 the times, they are a changin'
2021-03-22 the darkness of night
2021-03-09 new things, new zine
2021-03-08 Midnight Coffee (at high noon)
2021-02-06 stopping in for a snowstorm coffee :)
2021-01-07 stopping in for a late-night mug of java
2021-01-05 hey, Midnight Pubbers! :)