Kildare gardaí allege that ‘straightener’ event took place on The Curragh

Ciaran Mather, 26 Apr

A family feud was set to be settled through a 'straightener' event.

That’s according to gardaí who were present in Naas District Court on

Thursday, April 20.

Judge Desmond Zaidan was told that the feud allegedly took place on a

road located in The Curragh on February 8, 2021.

Gardaí said that the feud allegedly involved the following suspects:

Wesley Ward, 18, John Ward (Senior), 49, John Ward (Junior), 26, and

Michael Devereaux, 29, who are all residing at an unofficial site in

Beechgrove, Rathangan.

The other alleged parties involved include James Ward, 44, and his son

Martin Ward, 21, both of whom reside at 13 Beechmount in Newbridge.

When Judge Zaidan asked what the motive behind the suspected feud was,

gardaí alleged that both parties alleged that there were accusations of

bullying; specifically, between the two youngest sons of both parties.

This culminated in the 'straightener' event, which was allegedly

arranged over a phone call.

The suspects were accused of using weapons such as swords and pick-axe

handles during the course of the fight, although no serious injuries

were recorded as a result of the alleged fight.


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Judge Zaidan took issue with the choice of the Director of Public

Prosecutions (DPP) to treat the case as a 'summary disposal,' which

means that a Judge must hear the details and then decide whether or not

to accept jurisdiction.

The judge explained: "These go beyond minor allegations, something

could have gone very horribly wrong here."

Gardaí said that they were not opposed to granting bail for the men,

but ordered the first side (Wesley Ward, John Ward Sr, John Ward Jr and

Michael Devereaux) to abide by a number of conditions: they must reside

at their current address, and notify gardaí of any change of address in

advance, they must each agree to a €1,000 bail bond and lodge €500 in

case, and they must sign on daily at their local garda station, they

must stay out of Newbridge, with the exception of social welfare

collections and doctor’s appointments (they must let gardaí know in

advance if they plan to go into Newbridge), they must observe a curfew

between 9pm to 6am, and they must have no direct or indirect contact

with the other party.

James and Martin Ward were also granted bail on the following

conditions: that they must reside at their listed address, they must

agree to a €1,000 bail bond with a lodgement of €500, they must sign on

once a week at their local garda station, and they must have no direct

or indirect contact with the other party.

The case will return to June 15 for DPP consent, and because Judge

Zaidan refused jurisdiction over the case, books of evidence are also

due to be served in relation to the case.

He gave gardaí liberty to re-enter the case at short notice.