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         >> delivering lye rolls & pretzels - fast and on time <<

Welcome to the PRETZELTRUCK!

I'm a computer scientist interested in optimization algorithms and heuristics, especially for vehicle routing problems (VRPs) and other logistics or manufacturing processes. I enjoy programming and the variety of programming languages.

Besides programming, I like reading popular science books, for instance on bumblebees(!!!), bees(!) and other creatures, and whodunit crime novels. In random order and varying amounts I like: lye rolls; italo disco; hiking; psytrace; factorio; openttd; board games and political action thriller series/police procedurals; old (50-90s) series and movies.

Everything delivered by the PRETZELTRUCK should be received with a grain of salt, like proper lye rolls. For feedback, ideas and questions you may reach me via <bgraf posteo de>.


2021-01-20 :: Circles and optimal TSP tours [Q]

2021-01-20 :: Visualizing ideas through space and time


Despite having programmed for a long time, my actual observable FOSS output is extremely limited. I'd really like it to be more, but I have not been able to focus on a topic long enough to create anything usable.

swplayer - sleep-well player (2021)

Plays one (or more) random titles from the current (or given) directory or directories. Played titles are saved in a history file and are not played again for a certain number of following titles. After playing, swplayer initiates shutdown of the computer unless ordered otherwise.

We use this tool to play random radio dramas during dozing off to sleep. Swplayer ensures that the computer is turned off appropriately and that we do not have to listen to the same stuff over and over again (until we forget about it again).

TOPPIT - Heuristic solver for the "Team Orienteering Problem" (TOP) (2020)

Symbol packing for a C-shirt (2020)

Course name generator (2016)


Graf, B. (to appear). Preemptive stacker crane problem: extending tree-based properties and construction heuristics. European Journal of Operational Research.


Graf, B. (2020). Adaptive large variable neighborhood search for a multiperiod vehicle and technician routing problem. Networks, 76(2), 256-272.


Buckow, J. N., Graf, B., & Knust, S. (2020). The exponential multi-insertion neighborhood for the vehicle routing problem with unit demands. Computers & Operations Research, 104949.
