These figures are representative of the aggregate size of Geminispace at the time the current index was last updated on 2023-04-25.
Page Count : 587522 Domain Count : 1763
These figures are representative of the number of pages seen per content type at the time the current index was last updated on 2023-04-25.
283381 - text/plain 250445 - text/gemini 16530 - image/jpeg 9321 - image/png 7568 - octet/stream 6586 - application/x-mscardfile 2986 - application/octet-stream 2650 - application/json 1446 - text/x-diff 1379 - application/zip 893 - application/pdf 863 - image/gif 542 - text/html 352 - audio/mpeg 274 - audio/ogg 268 - application/xml 191 - application/atom+xml 182 - application/lagrange-fontpack+zip 179 - text/xml 144 - image/webp 134 - text/markdown 113 - application/epub+zip 99 - text/x-patch 91 - image/svg+xml 88 - video/mp4 80 - image/x-ms-bmp 70 - text/x-csrc 51 - application/gzip 42 - text/x-python 35 - application/pgp-signature 32 - application/postscript 31 - application/x-msdownload 26 - video/webm 26 - text/x-chdr 21 - text/x-php 18 - application/x-compressed-tar 16 - application/x-tgif 14 - text/x-tex 12 - text/x-sh 12 - font/ttf 11 - application/x-bzip2 11 - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text 11 - application/sla 10 - application/rss+xml 9 - text/css 9 - application/x-xpinstall 8 - text/csv 8 - application/x-tar 8 - application/x-gzip 8 - application/x-freearc 8 - application/vnd.exstream-package 8 - application/pgp-keys 8 - application/mac-binhex40 7 - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation 7 - application/ 7 - application/vnd.mobius.dis 7 - application/vnd.lotus-organizer 7 - application/javascript 6 - video/ogg 6 - text/x-c++src 6 - image/vnd.djvu 6 - audio/wav 6 - audio/mid 6 - application/x-sh 6 - application/x-bittorrent 6 - application/tar 5 - text/x-shellscript 5 - text/x-c 5 - audio/flac 5 - application/x-shellscript 5 - application/x-compressed 4 - chemical/x-pdb 4 - application/x-lzh-compressed 4 - application/x-dtbresource+xml 4 - application/ 3 - video/quicktime 3 - text/x-tcl 3 - text/tab-separated-values 3 - text/rss+xml 3 - application/vnd.sun.xml.impress 2 - text/x-pascal 2 - text/x-lua 2 - text/atom+xml 2 - image/x-icon 2 - image/vnd.dxf 2 - audio/x-wav 2 - audio/midi 2 - application/x-trash 2 - application/x-tcl 2 - application/x-mspublisher 2 - application/x-latex 2 - application/x-gtar-compressed 2 - application/wasm 2 - application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet 2 - application/vnd.groove-tool-template 2 - application/ 2 - application/pgp-encrypted 2 - application/msword 2 - application/gpub+zip 2 - application/binary 1 - text/x-scheme 1 - text/x-haskell 1 - text/x-go 1 - text/x-csh 1 - text/x-bibtex 1 - text/x-awk 1 - text/x-ada 1 - text/troff 1 - text/rtf 1 - text/garbage 1 - message/rfc822 1 - inode/x-empty 1 - image/x-xcf 1 - image/x-corelphotopaint 1 - image/x-3ds 1 - image/avif 1 - chemical/x-mopac-input 1 - audio/x-flac 1 - audio/unknown\011e 1 - audio/mpegurl 1 - application/x-x509-ca-cert 1 - application/x-wais-source 1 - application/x-tex-tfm 1 - application/x-stuffit 1 - application/x-rar-compressed 1 - application/x-python-code 1 - application/x-perl 1 - application/x-lha 1 - application/x-gameboy-rom 1 - application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet 1 - application/ 1 - application/vnd.lotus-screencam 1 - application/ 1 - application/pkix-cert 1 - application/gpg-keys
These figures are representative of the number of pages seen per content type at the time the current index was last updated on 2023-04-25.
113127 - UTF-8 67043 - US-ASCII 1 - WINDOWS-1252 1 - UTF8 1 - UTF-32BE 1 - UTF-16LE 1 - UTF-16BE 1 - UTF-16 1 - ISO-8859-1 1 - CP437
missing results? add your capsule to
Index updated on: 2023-04-25