___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _______ |_ |/ _ \|_ ||_ /___/ _ \/ / /___< / __/ / __// // / __/_/_ <___/ // /_ _/___/ /__ \ /____/\___/____/____/ \___/ /_/ /_/____/ tID#003
On the last Transmission I said I was gonna start moving things to a JetForce powered server. Full disclosure, I didn't. Not yet. Had to go through some hurdles setting up a machine to act as OSS Betelgeuse itself. Thankfully, it's working. While I run things with Agate, the only functionality available on the Station will be capsule hosting. Currently, I'm figuring out user permissions to properly and securely set up the environment before allowing access from the outside world.
Some major alterations on the name and structure of the project occured. As of now the domain that used to be called orionstation.space is now oriean.space. I realized I put myself in a weird corner when considering how to expand the project (formerly known as OrionStation/Space). The first problem was:
<station>.orionstation.space just wouldn't cut it.
I am attached to the idea of the Space being related to the constellation of Orion, though. So the quest for an appropriate domain name began... Turns out that "orion.*" domains are really hard to come by. Thankfully I happened to find a good word to describe "something related to/of Orion", thus Oriean Space was born.
With that, expansion now makes a lot more sense, oriean.space will house it's Stations at <station>.oriean.space and I can sleep easy now.
>oriean.space | |`- station-a.oriean.space | | | |`- User Capsules | | '- station-a.oriean.space/user/... | | | `- Modules | '- module-1.station-a.oriean.space | |`- station-b.oriean.space | | | `-[...] | [...]
The OSS Betelgeuse will be working at *very* minimal capacity for now, while I continue to set things up. My personal capsule is online, I'll be updating that when possible. But I'll be studying JetForce and laying the groundworks for the first Module of the Station! I'm still not sure how to call it yet, but it'll be a space dedicated to MUD/MU* games.
So far my options are:
The overall foundation of Oriean Space is shaping up great! We got the first Station becoming something tangible, and ideas for the design of the Modules system starts to coalesce.
The stars are closer than you think.