astro @

'astro' is a gemini client for your terminal. It only requires a POSIX shell, coreutils and OpenSSL.

screenshot of 'astrp' (png, 50 kB)

astro strongly relies on the power of the (POSIX) shell and coreutils like 'less', 'sed' and the like. For TLS encrypted communication OpenSSL is used.

It has been created by B.L. Mayer

My fork's only addition is link numbering on page rendering.

key features



The actual colors used depend on your terminal palette:

list of commands

q	quit
g	go to a link
r	reload current page
b	go back one page
u	jump one path segment up
o	open an address
s	save current page
H	go to homepage
m	add bookmark
M	go to a bookmark
K	remove bookmark for current url

how to get

browse the source on gemini

browse source code on the bloated web

ArchLinux AUR package (for the upstream project)

build yourself

$ git clone git://
$ sudo make install
