What is Love?
     _                            || o I run Arch by the way
    | |    _____   _____          || o Vim User
    | |   / _ \ \ / / _ \         || o i3 (Greetings to Michi Stapelberg)
    | |__| (_) \ V /  __/         || o XTerm
    |_____\___/ \_/ \___|         || o ttf-hack, a hand groomed and optically
                                  ||   balanced typeface based on Bitstream
__        ___   _    _  _____     ||   Vera Mono
\ \      / / | | |  / \|_   _|    || o dmenu
 \ \ /\ / /| |_| | / _ \ | |      ||
  \ V  V / |  _  |/ ___ \| |      || Q: How do you recognise Arch Users?
   \_/\_/  |_| |_/_/   \_\_|      \\  A: No need. They will tell you.
      _       _ _     ___           \\
     (_)___  (_) |_  |__ \            ===============================----------
     | / __| | | __|   / /
     | \__ \ | | |_   |_| 
     |_|___/ |_|\__|  (_)

  This is the Gemini capsule operated by Simon A. Wilper

  --==]] sxw@chronowerks.de [[==--
         Jabber ID


Drop a Message

In case you do drop me a message it would be nice to leave some contact

information so that I can respond... if you actually want that.

Captain's Log
