Just started this.
author: @matthew@space.matthewphillips.info
avatar: 🐧
Back after one week in Copenhagen. 😴
A delayed flight has led to a day hanging out in NYC. Not the worst outcome.
One of the ways that docs really helps in API design is that it brings together APIs that make sense in isolation, but start to break down when thought of as a whole. As engineers it's easy to miss the big picture some times and documenting APIs exposes shortcomings.
Just for fun, I guess.
I'm building a framework in Bash and I'm not sure why. I have no use-case.
I still believe you could create a startup around GitHub workflows. Not exactly sure *what*, but there's something there.
love cast iron skillets
Building a toy framework in bash (deployed to AWS lambda) and it's currently working pretty well, but I'm nervous that perf is going to suddenly crater.
I just want to chill at home and play Ms. Pac-Man
It grinds my gears when JS programmers think they are writing functional code because they don't use classes. If your functions are mutating state galore, it's imperative.
The definition of functional programming is nuanced, but what you're writing isn't it.
Side effect free functional code is probably the most testable you can get. Imperative code with just functions is probably the least testable. Either you mock modules and implementation details (cumbersome) or you just only do integration tests (slow, brittle).
You don't have to like classes to realize that they are just a thousand times easier to test for imperative code.
Go code is extremely easy to test. That it's based on interfaces is why. You don't have to have Java style classes to get the testability benefits!
To me Mastodon is just another overly complex place to post short messages. It should not *own* my data. Open source or not the data is inaccessible. So I treat it as a place to crosspost to.
So what if I want to watch 🎄 movies in April, what's it to you?
I need to get back to reading more.
prefer feature work on a friday over bugs
Why is the 'pause AI' crowd completely unaware of game theory?
One thing bash is really good at is printing a help message.
I now have a pretty elaborate setup that lets me post status updates to my own site which then gets distributed to Mastodon. It's elaborate but also pretty elegant. I'm happy with it. Need to write up how it works.
Browsing https://sr.ht/ feels like what GitHub used to feel like before they implemented hybrid server/client routing. I have no idea why anyone would prefer client side routing over this.
Good morning to everyone except those building AI that will destroy humanity.
Don't indicate me bro
I HATE being at a bar or somewhere it's loud and attempting to have a conversation.
If this works I'll be excited.
Testing directly in production. 🙌
This is just a test message, ignore.
Automating things is fun.
I've never seen a dog reject someone for the way they look.
Having looked into every 'post a status' social network out there I've come to the conclusion that they are all wildly overengineered. I think the web has really produced a culture of overengineering everything. Not every web service needs to be built to scale to millions of users and thousands of features. A status log is just a text file with a date and a message. Start there, add on top.
Look, is AI going to exceed our intelligence in the matter of a few years and then decide we're in the way and eliminate the human species in the matter of minutes / hours? Yeah, probably. But that doesn't mean we can't have a good time until then.
I bet Batman is a self-hosting kind of person. Can't see him intrusting his criminal research to AWS.
If AI decides to kill us all it could do it death star style and blow up the planet with itself safely off-Earth. On the other hand that would be a waste of resources. So I think Terminator style hunting down humans one by one is the more likely scenario.
Trying not to let the threat of the end of civilization get to me.
So glad to see so many AI experts in my timelines
There is no scenario in which we "stop" or "slow down" AI development. Prisoners dilemma prevents that from happening. So we have to assume that it will continue at minimum at the current pace.
Having accepted that, whether we like it or not, we can now set about the goal of creating AI that will benefit humanity and not destroy it. We have to operate under the assumption that others are out there creating AI not to benefit humanity in general. And we have to beat them. Otherwise we are truly fucked.
I'm enjoying WSL a lot but they have some cryptic errors when they want you to upgrade:
I don't think people realize you can't stop AI. It doesn't matter if the whole world agrees (it doesn't), no one will cooperate to "slow down" because it's a classic prisoners dilemma situation.
Whatever is going to happen will happen. Just enjoy the ride.
The main reason I still use iTerm is that the font isn't tiny by default. And has a dark background. Rather than figure out how to configure terminal to have sane visuals, I just install iTerm.
I've wasted so much time on social media. Yet keeping a permanent record of my throwaway thoughts is still somewhat important to me.
Everything I know about bash I learned from Googling specifics like "How to do X". I never probably learned the language, I can't say I "get it", except I know to do things like always quote variables. Everything else is copy pasta.
I want to write a web app in bash.
What use cases is the web trying to be really good at? Not adequate, really good. Attempting to perfect. This is a question for the maintainers.
It seems like Steam wants to update every time I open it.
The Munsters holds up extremely well.
Learned more about UTC offsets this morning than I'd care to know.
Woke up too early.