🏭 Gemi.dev Heavy Industries

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Search and Archives

🔭 Kennedy, my Gemini search engine

🏎ïļ Delorean Time Machine. Like the Wayback machine, but for Gemini


🧇 NewsWaffle - Read any news website, all via Gemini

Gemipedia - Gemini frontend to Wikipedia, focused on providing a 1st class reading experience

⛄ïļ Chilly Weather - Weather service

ðŸ’Ŧ🚊 Stargate: Public Gemini-to-HTTP Gateway


🗚 Where In the World? A geography game

MineSweeper. Find the ðŸ’Ģ's, try not to ðŸŠĶ


My Gemlog

Early Apple History and the Creation of the Macintosh

History of the Apple II

ðŸī‍☠ïļ Warez: The Infrastructure and Aesthetics of Piracy

Converting HTML to Gemtext

Building and evolving (Web or Gemini) crawlers

Papers on early web crawler and search engine search

Awesome Gemini List

XKCD Comics (Mirror)

Mirror of gemini://drewdevault.com/

Fun Places:

The Treeblue Review

Gemini Info

Gemini as a fertile frontier for hacking

Oddities with Gemini, Gemtext, and Geminispace

Overview of Gemini Search Engines

Gemini protocol specification

Gemtext Specification

Robots.txt subset for Gemini

Best practices for Gemini implementations

Contact me