👽 bavarianbarbarian

Do you consider yourself wealthy?

11 months ago · 👍 martin


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9 Replies

👽 bacardi55

I guess it depends on your definition of wealthy…

For me wealthy means I can eat at the end of the month without calculating with what I have left at that point. And ability to take a couple of vacation (nothing fancy, but still be able to leave your flat for another place).

With that definition, I think I am wealthy indeed.

But lots disagree with this definition and wants way more before calling themselves wealthy^^ · 11 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@oofbar keep it up, for me making my passion a job didn't work, i really love IT, exploring weird operating systems, hardware etc.. but as as a job after years, no way, i did this for several years, got the hell of a wage, but then, at home, i hated to touch computers... · 11 months ago

👽 moddedbear

Well I'm debt-free and I feel like that passes as wealthy for a student. · 11 months ago

👽 adou2

No, but I'm far better than I was a few months ago! Both my wife and I have new jobs since September (hers is more remunerative and I was jobless before).

I'm happy to finally have found a job that I love, even if the price was years of troubles (and if I won't be rich with that job 😅). However I tried to make the best of these years, I was very present for my daughters. I try to still be but it's harder. · 11 months ago

👽 oofbar

Money was always tight, growing up. At a young age I knew I wanted enough of it to not have to work, or to at least not have to worry about always having a job to keep food on the table and a roof over my head. I was thinking about college and looking at career outlooks on the Bureau of Labor Statistics' website by the age of 12. I taught myself how to program, got a computer science degree, and sought out work with early stage startups. I got lucky. Money's no longer such a concern. · 11 months ago

👽 martin

@bavarianbarbarian Awesome, I couldn't agree more. I'm reminded of the quote:

You’re rich when nobody can buy your time. · 11 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

paying no rent and being lucky for having a rich family, i don't have to care for retirement.. so i am wealthy without the need for money... once i made 120k a year and i wasn't happy at all with this... things you own end up owning you.... · 11 months ago

👽 bavarianbarbarian

@martin same here, after i got divorced and had a fscking well payed job, i deceided for me i don't need all that stuff society tells you you need to have to be 'wealthy'. i chose a simple life as a simple man with no needs.. for the sake of odin, i have not to work for living, i am the gardener here, do the cooking, some maintenance for the house and i get food, a bed, internet and a cat for cuddling. · 11 months ago

👽 martin

Yes, but not because I have a lot of money (I don't), but because I've made life choices that mean I don't need lots of money and instead own most of my time. · 11 months ago