I'm such a dumbass.. while sleeping i damaged my right foot so fscking hard that i can't even walk. Hurts like hell, i have to go up/downstairs on my fat ass cos i can't do a single step xD
8 months ago
Get well! · 8 months ago
easy to mange it you suffer from insomnia, taking a lot of medicine and then while sleeping and dreaming kicking out like a mule and hitting the wall or other solid items &) was funny in the morning, i didn't notice that my foot was not in good condition, tried to get up und found myself on the ground because my foot wasn't working at all... · 8 months ago
Yoo i hate waking up with like a sore or numb arm, leg, etc cause I slept all weird or smth smfh. it's worse when you put your neck out that way uuuugh · 8 months ago
How on earth did you manage that? · 8 months ago