Subject: Re: What is a Z80 card?. From: (Clarence Wilkerson) Date: Wed, Jul 29, 1998 13�18@ EDT Message-id: <6pnlgf$> There were two variants of the Z80 card 1) the Microsoft version ( and clones) had a Z80 chip and very little else. In particular, no DRAM. It depended on Apple II for RAM and IO 2) The PCPI was logically a Z80 single board computer with it's own RAM and ROM. It used a simple protocol to communicate its io needs to a driver on the Apple II side. -- Clarence Wilkerson \ HomePage: Prof. of Math. \ Internet: Dept. of Mathematics \ Messages: (765) 494-1903, FAX 494-0548 Purdue University, \ W. Lafayette, IN 47907-1395 \