馃懡 jo

yknow what I'm gonna come out and say it. The only CLI editor I use is nano 馃

1 week ago 路 馃憤 bavarianbarbarian, giveemwatts


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9 Replies

馃懡 giveemwatts

Nothing wrong with nano. It's relatively simple to use and works great for most text editing use. Although I mostly have moved to vim, I still use nano from time to time for quick editing. 路 4 days ago

馃懡 johano

I used only nano for years and years and still do at times, but I also really like the editor micro... keep being intrigued by Emacs but man.... the learning curve 路 4 days ago

馃懡 idx

same here! I don't understand why it's such a big deal; or why people make such a fuss about text editors. all that matters is whether or not it suits your needs, y'know? 路 5 days ago

馃懡 anthrax

This is very brave of you to admit. Honestly I do like using nano better than vim but I'm still using vim to try and force myself to learn it. 路 6 days ago

馃懡 jo

I know everyone is a vi/vim fan but listen: I don't understand it 馃ジ 路 1 week ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

vi, nothing else... not because i like it, just because it is available everywhere... 路 1 week ago

馃懡 drh3xx

I used it for a long time too. Since I started my OpenBSD journey though I've been using vanilla vi exlusively. Though I am considering maybe switching to Neovim due to all the plugins for NLP and git integration etc... Never really treied emacs though (sorry @jo). 路 1 week ago

馃懡 warpengineer

I would hate to start an editor war but.......vi 路 1 week ago

馃懡 jo

I do like emacs but apart from all the (useful but) much more complicated hotkeys, I often get disconnected and then i gotta live with thousands of savefiles~ or even #savefiles# 路 1 week ago