Well, due to a hospital visit yesterday, there isn't much to update coding-wise. The main coding project I'm "working on" right now is something for work. I keep changing my mind on how to make it. I switch from web app to mobile native app and back too much. I would make it on Android, but some of my coworkers I want to use it have iPhones, those darn Apple users. I'm not very good at web development yet, not that I could never get good, but it's not as easy as I'd like it to be with the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and maybe some PHP... then I'd have to make that usable on phone browsers with special CSS. I'm sure some of you are smashing your phones about how it's not that hard, bit this is my space for my thoughts. At this point, I think I'd prefer to write it in C++ with a Qt front end. I want to do this because I think I'd like to learn C++ because some open source projects that I'd like to work on are written in C++ such as Android ROMs. I think I'll eventually have to suck it up and make a web app because I don't have a Mac anyway to install it on the iPhones. If you have thoughts on this, I'll sent up an email before long so you could let me know your thoughts like what tech stack to use.
I was going to make this an about me post because I didn't have much coding to write about, but I guess I proved myself wrong. The wife goes back to work tomorrow, so hopefully I'll quit dragging my feet and really dig into this project.