Subject: Re: COMP.SYS HELP From: Rubywand Date: Sat, Oct 24, 1998 06�31,( Message-id: <> Obsbedia2 writes ... > > I'm still green on Comp.Sys.Apple2. > Why do my postings sometimes stay up only one review by me, sometimes not at > all, but sometimes I can check back days later and their still there? Same > question for other folks postings that I read. > Jay One good way to handle reading and posting to newsgroups on AOL is to use AOL "flash sessions". In a flash session you download postings to your hard disk which you can peruse off-line in your Personal Filing Cabinet; so, they are never lost. A flash session will also send any replies you have written while off-line, too. (Really, the convenience of the Personal Filing Cabinet and the ease of handling newsgroups on AOL via flash sessions is the main reason it took so long for me to leave AOL, even when they were bombing badly after going to unlimited time a couple years ago.) It has been a while since my AOL days, but, as I recall, there is plenty of info on setting up and using flash sessions in the AOL browser Help files. It's pretty easy to do. In case you want to see whether or not something you've posted has actually made it to Csa2, a good check is to go to Deja News at and search for your posting. Rubywand