Howdy ~eskimonk, good to see you here!
... No last calls.
That completely evaded my attention, because it's so normal at this place, lol!
~bartender? Whatever the stranger fancies, and a stout for me, please! Thanks!
But it always seems like it's never enough.
Well, there's the thing: any time I decide to go to the Midnight, I will not go to a countable but infinite number of other places. That is normal. That is normal in quantum physics, too (find the particle at location X it's probability to find it elsewhere vanishes). And yet advertisement tries to convince me, that I miss out on whatever it is that they try to convince me of. :-) Yes, of course I miss out! I miss out on loads of boring stuff, and a few interesting ones too. All the time. Yet I'm quite content to sip on that nice stout and have a conversation with ~eskimonk and miss out on the rest of the world.
What I'm trying to say is probably "the journey is the interesting part, not the arrival".
Cheers, mate! May the goddesses of unlimited options be merciful on us.