馃懡 mameko

Good news! The installation of a new server has finished. I directly started my "new" capsule and wrote some stuff. It is again in German language and the themes are the old ones: diabetes typ 2, living vegan. I will make a new topic about pc themes like FreeBSD and Haiku. And I made a backup of the content...

2 days ago 路 馃憤 jo, elektito, mameko, bavarianbarbarian, ttocsneb


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4 Replies

馃懡 mameko

Thx for all your kind replies. :-) 路 2 days ago

馃懡 mischk

nice little corner in the geminiverse. I like that bread reciepe, I found it before in the fediverse and tried it, it was ... nice :) 路 2 days ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

BSD and haiku are such great OSs, looking forward to read your stuff. 路 2 days ago

馃懡 danrl

for those who, like me, were looking for the url: gemini://mameko.ddns.net/

viele gr眉脽e von der anderen seite des gro脽en teiches. pflanzliche ern盲hrung ist hier eine 眉berlebensstrategie bei der absurd schlechten nahrungsqualit盲t in der masse. 路 2 days ago