I've knocked the first thing off my To-Do list for 2023! If you follow me
on Mastodon or Pixelfed, you'll have heard all about it yesterday, but
(for the benefit/to the dismay) of those who don't, I *finally* made
biscotti from a recipe I'd downloaded and printed out twenty-two years
While not a big deal to most, this is important to me. I've had things on
my to-do list that have been there since the mid-to-late 90s, things I've
been perfectly capable of doing at *any* point since. This year, I've
decided it's time to bloody well do them! No more procrastination, no
more "this is a low priority", nothing. Things are going to get done.
Now that the biscotti are out of the way, my next task will be to fix my
Amiga 4000D computer. It's been out of commission for over twenty years
and, while it does *sort of* work, it's not reliable (or even stable).
I'm sending it out for a recap and diagnostic later this month and, if
given the all-clear, I'll be building it up into the system it *should*
have been all this time.
More on that later.