Most people don't know this but completely removing caffeine from your diet, at least in some cases, can give you up to an impressive 80% boost in your will not to live.
4 months ago 路 馃憤 danrl, gritty, johano, tomosleggett, cobradile94, astroseneca, cinni, schnouki
Define caffeine... If I don't drink a double espresso after lunch I fall asleep anywhere... If I am at work I fall asleep in front at the monitor... you bet it! 路 4 months ago
I quit caffeine a couple years ago and feel much better. When quitting, it's important to ramp down. Don't eliminate it all at once! 路 4 months ago
accidentally became uber addicted to caffeine by drinking a lot of pepsi max.
was completely unaware it had caffeine in it 馃樁 路 4 months ago
after the initial push it was nice to know when I was actually tired. 路 4 months ago
keep it up, I've been caffeine free for 2.5 years and I'm still here. but I hear you. 路 4 months ago
made me giggle while slurping my coffee 路 4 months ago