Onion Kraut

Pretty traditional.

Caramelize onions (or shallots) in oil until done; the trick here is to not burn the onions so maybe try a lower temperature than you might expect and dial it in for the stove and pot with practice. The random recipe I found suggested 10 minutes, which seems too long. Perhaps they were using one of those tricky non-stick pans? On a cast iron skillet it's only a minute or two for the onions to brown a little, which is how I like them.

Add a little bit of mustard and some saké (white wine is traditional, but I did not have any of that around), stir in the sauerkraut briefly, and serve. If the kraut is already at room temperature then it probably does not need any heating up, or kill the heat on the stove before adding it.


Note that some cooking saké have salt added; for sauerkraut or other ferments which already have salt you will probably want to check the label and buy the salt-free saké.

Other additions might include peas and walnuts? And a touch of fish sauce? And maybe a bit of pickled ginger?

Maybe something else?