Derry celebrates successful global 'Big Latch On' event

Paddy Leonard, 18 Apr

The Global Latch On for Breastfeeding was held across the world last

weekend and included a Latch On event in Derry's Guildhall on


The organisers of the Latch On event in Derry are the parent-led group

North West BAPS who are determined to increase visibility and support

of breastfeeding in the Derry Strabane Council area which currently has

amongst the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world.

Speaking on behalf of North West BAPS, Dr. Maria Herron said: “The

Latch On event in the Guildhall was a tremendous success!

“There was a large turnout of breastfeeding mums, their families,

friends and supporters – in fact we have just been contacted by the

Global Big Latch On Group who are compiling the records from around the

world, and it appears that our event in Derry is currently in the top

position for the largest recorded number in one location with 174

participants, followed by San Juan City (Philippines) in second place

with 115 participants, and Vermont (USA) is in third place with 105


The Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, who has been

supportive of the North West BAPS project since it was established a

few months ago, launched the event in the Main Hall of the iconic

Guildhall on Saturday afternoon:

“I was delighted and proud to join mothers and their friends and

families from across the Council area for today’s North West BAPS event

to celebrate and raise awareness of the benefits of breast feeding.

“It’s so important that mothers have access to all the information

available about breastfeeding so they can make informed decisions about

their own choice and that everyone in our community can support them

with that.

“It was also a great chance for mothers and their families to meet up,

share their experiences and learn more about the wider support that is

available to them on their parental journey”, the Mayor concluded.

Christine Duddy, a mum of two who attended the Big Latch On event at

the Guildhall said: “I feel privileged to be part of such a successful

event with my two amazing babies and my mother. Huge congratulations to

North West BAPS, they did our city proud.


Mayor Sandra Duffy pictured with the team from North West BAPS, Dr.

Maria Herron, Noella Gormley, Sinead O'Kane and Jessica Clarke at the

Big Latch On event held in the Guildhall. (Photo - Deirdre Heaney,


“I am a huge advocate for breastfeeding myself and I think the

awareness they are spreading, and the support that is out there for

mammies and families is absolutely amazing.”

Local mum Orla Toland who also attended the Big Latch On event shared

her thoughts on breastfeeding her baby for almost a year: “The most

beautiful experience yet! The bond and efficiency of feeding never mind

the health benefits for Sola and me! We've had the best support system

around us making sure we have everything we need at feed times.”

Orla added: “Events like this help make support networks known, as well

as building an army of the most empowering women who are there to

support each other through their breastfeeding journey.”

Noella Gormley, mum of two and one of the organisers of the Big Latch

On, said she was delighted with the wide range of organisations who

attended the event who were able to offer practical breastfeeding and

perinatal support to expectant and new parents including staff and peer

supporters from the Western Health and Social Care Trust, Cuidiú North

West - an Irish parent-to-parent support organisation run by volunteer

parents, The Twins Trust who offer specific breastfeeding support to

parents of multiple babies, the Derry Doula who offers a perinatal

support service, Mummy Matters – a specialist physio service that

caters for women’s pelvic health including post-natal assessments and a

hypnotherapy & personal development coaching service.

“We were also fortunate to be joined by volunteers from Zero Waste

North West who provide access to wonderful services such as the Zero

Waste Nappy Library and the Zero Waste North West Toy Library.”


Jackie Connolly and Charlie White, Rainbow Child and Family Centre

pictured with families at the event. (Photo - Deirdre Heaney,


Speaking about the other groups who attended and provided a range of

engaging activities for babies and children at the event, Sinead

O’Kane, local mum and member of the North West BAPS organising team

said: “We had such a great day!

“It was brilliant to see so many parents attending and many were able

to avail of activities such as the baby massage provided by Michelle

and Emma from Surestart Shantallow, there was also a fabulous kids soft

play area which was set up by Ellen from LegenDerryEvents, and a

fantastic sensory and light play space provided by Charlie and Jacki

from the Rainbow Child and Family Centre.”



IN PICTURES: Derry celebrates launch of 'Big Latch On'

Photos - Deirdre Heaney (nwpresspics)

Anne-Marie Campbell, a specialist physiotherapist and owner of Mummy

Matters who had a stand at the event said: “From someone who had a

brief breastfeeding journey with my children, I am delighted to see how

much more help is available to women today. It is fantastic to see the

push to normalise breastfeeding.

“I am not from a breastfeeding family but will definitely encourage my

own daughters to breastfeed if they have children of their own.”

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by North West BAPS - Breastfeeding and Perinatal Support


Christina McNickle, who offers a range of therapeutic services, said

“What an amazing turnout and very well organised community event which

I was so pleased to be a part of. Through my work, I can help mothers

or expecting mothers in overcoming Fears, Phobias, Anxiety, Depression,

Grief and releasing of traumatic birthing experiences so it is not

carried forward to future births and pregnancies.”

Breffni Nicholl, a volunteer with the Twins Trust said she was

delighted to be at the Big Latch On in the Guildhall: “This was a

fantastic event to be a part of. It was wonderful to talk to parents

and also a great opportunity to make connections with other services in

the community.”

Teresa McPhilemy who is the Breastfeeding Peer Support Link Worker with

the Western Trust said “It was great to see all the different

organisations involved in supporting breastfeeding, come together in

one place in the spirit of collaboration. It is so important that the

public are aware of the support that is available in the community for

breastfeeding mothers & events like this help raise that awareness.”

Joyce McKittrick, Lead Nurse for Public Health based in the Waterside

Health Centre said: ‘It was brilliant to be involved in an event which

brought all the different organisations who support mothers to

breastfeed, come together and share knowledge and experience.

“It is so important that we all work together to meet the needs of

these women and also to promote breastfeeding in the community so it

becomes the norm."


Gail Whiteside, Teresa McPhilemy, Leonie Hendry and Anastasia Harkin,

Breastfeeding Peer Support. W.H.S.C.T. (Photo - Deirdre Heaney,


Jessica Clarke, mum of one and an organiser of the successful North

West BAPS event in the Guildhall said: “We are grateful to the Mayor,

all the parents and their families as well as the organisations who

attended the Big Latch On event at the weekend, and the Council staff

who facilitated the event and made everyone feel so welcome!

“We are also aware of other organisations who had wanted to attend, but

could not make it this time, and we look forward to seeing them at our

next event!”

For further information about North West BAPS contact

Follow North West BAPS on Facebook and Instagram