MIT’s brightest young technology innovators to gather in Donegal for two-day conference

Rory Mooney, 19 Apr

A world-leading technology conference that showcases Europe’s brightest

young tech stars will be hosted in Donegal next month.

On May 11-12, MIT’s Innovators Under 35 will bring Europe’s most

aspiring young innovators to Gaoth Dobhair, on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic

Way to showcase their work and demonstrate how they are already helping

to make the world a better place through pioneering advances in


The MIT Innovators Under 35 has been celebrating young changemakers for

more than 20 years and will also feature some of the world’s leading

technologists, with biomolecular physicist Georgios Nounesis, Director

of the Greek National Centre for Scientific Research, ‘Demokratis’,

delivering a keynote to the final list of Young Innovators.

Georgios and the young innovators will also be joined by distinguished

leaders in innovation and tech from Italy, Andorra, the USA, Sweden and

Holland including Vanesa Aroyo, Head of the Innovation Agency in

Andorra and author Nicklas Bergman who sits on the Investment Committee

of the European Innovation Council Fund.

Notable alumni of MIT’s Innovators Under 35 include Google Founders

Sergey Brin and Larry Page, CRISPR Technology Pioneer Feng Zhang and

Tesla Motors Co-Founder JB Straubel.

The festival is sponsored by Údarás na Gaeltachta, the North West City

Region Councils of Derry City and Strabane District Council and Donegal

County Council, NUI Galway, Catalyst, Randox, Optum, Ulster University,

Unosquare and Atlantic Technological University.

The focus of this year’s festival will look at how technology can make

society a better place and help generate economic growth in areas

including biotechnology and medicine, computer and electronics,

hardware, software, Internet, artificial intelligence, robotics,

telecommunications, nanotechnology and materials, energy and


The festival will also showcase the wildness and beauty of Gaoth

Dobhair and the surrounding Gaeltacht area that is playing host to this

year’s visitors. The 175 attendees will see how truly remote the

Gaeltacht area is, but how the modern advances in technology mean that

a place as remote as Gaoth Dobhair can also be as connected as any

major world city.

Connla McCann, Director of Aisling Events which is hosting the festival

said: "Gaoth Dobhair is an area of rich heritage and culture right at

the heart of the largest Gaeltacht in Ireland.


Fergus Begley, Start Up Manager at Ulster University; JoAnne Kilmartin,

Project Development Officer at ATU Donegal; Andy Caomhánach, IT

Lecturer at NUI Galway and Paul Hannigan, Head of ATU Donegal

"Despite being located on the Atlantic’s Edge the area can now also

boast some of the strongest broadband connectivity on the island of

Ireland and a range of European-class companies at its business park.

"It’s digital Gteic hub provides accommodation for tech workers and

entrepreneurs who can deliver services for global companies while still

living under the shadow of the Errigal.

"It’s a treat to be bringing the most brilliant young innovators across

Europe to a region which is demonstrating that innovation can happen on

the road less-travelled.”