Diabetes starter packs launched by Altnagelvin Parents' Support Group

Catherine McGinty, 19 Apr

Altnagelvin Parents Group has developed Diabetes starter packs for all

newly diagnosed families with Type 1 diabetes before they are

discharged from hospital. The starter pack was developed in Partnership

with Sion Swifts 2011.

It was launched on Friday, April 7 in Derry's Everglades Hotel, with

the kind support of Altnagelvin Parents' Group Committee and Emer

Rabbett, a Pope John Paul II student from St Mary's College.

Speaking at the event, Lisa Storey, Chairperson of Altnagelvin Parents

Support Group said: “A huge thanks to Sion Swifts for fundraising for

these packs by organising a football tournament in November 2022. As a

result we are delighted to be able to donate 100 of these packs to the

Children’s Ward in Altnagelvin Hospital.

"Two parents from Sion Swifts kindly got in touch last year, Claire

Duncan and Coach Kieran Boyle as they wanted to give something back as

a result of the great level of care both their boys received after

being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

“This was also an opportunity to launch ‘Altnagelvin Diabetes Parents’,

a new Facebook closed group specifically for parents raising children

with Type 1 Diabetes and attending Altnagelvin Hospital.

"It will be an online forum for local peer support, a place where

parents can share a sense of belonging and support each other, share

information, answer questions, nurture friendships and increase


Families, local organisations and representatives from the Western

Trust attended the launch of the Starter Pack.

The guest speakers were Mary McKenna, Assistant Director of Healthcare

and Lead Nurse, Women & Children’s Directorate at Western Trust; Sandra

Duffy Mayor of Derry and Strabane District Council, Parent

representative and Sion Swifts Coach Kieran Boyle and son Jamie who

read out a jointly written letter for children to read.

There was also a special video message from New Zealand author of

children’s book Supper Sammy, Josh Hall.

Lisa Storey added: "We are delighted to launch our diabetes starter

packs as well as our online support group ‘Altnagelvin Diabetes

Parents’, for families raising children with Type 1 Diabetes.

"Myself and Deirdre Cassidy our Treasurer have thoroughly enjoyed

working on this project with all partners involved. We understand how

much stress parents can be experiencing when leaving hospital for the

first time with a new diagnosis, its can feel life changing for the


"We appreciate the value and importance of parents supporting each

other on their journey and strengthening working in partnership with

the team on the Childrens Ward."

Clare Duncan who is a parent added: "We were delighted with the launch

of the new packs. As a parents of children diagnosed with Type 1

Diabetes we put a lot of thought into the contents of the packs and

feel evert item serves an important purpose for both the children and

the parents. Thanks to Altnagelvin Parents Group for all their amazing


Concluding, Michelle Bryson, Lead Nurse Childrens Acute, WHSCT, added:

"Once again a big thank you to Altnagelvin Parents Group for the

essential supplies kit for our newly diagnosed children with diabetes

and for all they have done for us to date. We are deeply indebted and

also a big thank you to Sion Swifts who raised the money to cover the

costs of these packs."

If you are raising a child who has Type 1 Diabetes this is the link to

Altnagelvin Diabetes Parents closed Group:

https://www.facebook.com/ groups/235402305648644/?ref=
