Created 2022-06-01
The following appeared as a chess puzzle in smolzine 27:
♖ ♔ . . ♕ . . ♖ ♙ . ♙ . . . ♙ . ♝ . ♙ . ♗ ♘ . ♙ . . . . ♞ . . . . . . . ♙ . . ♝ ♟ . . . . . . . . ♟ ♟ . . ♟ ♟ ♟ . ♚ . ♜ . . . ♜ Black (♟) mate in 3.
I dispute the solution. I don't think it's as easy as that.
I'm going to swap black and white, with white (formerly black to play first).
1 Rd1d8 Be6e8
Now white can't play Ne5c6, because Qe8c6. If white plays Rd8c, then Rh8c6, and what a mess that is.
If, instead Rd8h8, then Qc6a6. Maybe Rh1d1, threatening Rd1d8. But it's black's move anyway. It seems that there a lot of possibilities to consider, without guaranteeing a mate in 3.
See. People are paying attention. 😉