
馃懡 elektito

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馃懡 elektito

I see Google-style robots.txt rules like /*.jpg$ in the wild. As far as I understand, this is not valid under gemini robots.txt spec, or at least not like it's intended. Or did I get that wrong? Anybody else following those rules?

馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 13 hours ago

馃懡 elektito

Let me reiterate in this venue that I _hate_ Ubuntu snaps. They never work quite well. For example, the way Firefox updates are handled is just abhorrent. You get a notification that there is an update pending, but Firefox needs a restart, but it won't really work unless you do that in the short window that the update is actually retried.

馃挰 5 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 1 day ago

馃懡 elektito

Just came across this post: gemini://ploum.be/2023-02-22-leaving-github.gmi. I just needed a gentle reminder to get out of github. I'll be making preperations to make the migration soon. I already have a paid sr.ht account, so that's where I'll be heading. I can also think of other services that I want to start migrating out of. I'll probably make a page on my capsule to keep track of what I need to do, and keep a log of things that are done.

馃挰 3 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 2 days ago

馃懡 elektito

I am letting my 2325 day Duolingo streak die. Duolingo quickly turned out to be not that educational to me. I just kept on the streak because it's the sort of thing my brain keeps forcing me to do. But at this point, the amount of streak freezes that I use is just rediculous and the whole thing is entirely pointless. Not to mention the fact that Duolingo has become complete enshittified as Cory Doctorow would put it.

馃挰 7 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 3 days ago

馃懡 elektito

Deciding it's never going to be "ready" ready, here's an early version of my gemini search engine: gemini://gemplex.space/

馃挰 1 Reply 路 3 Thumbs 路 4 days ago

馃懡 elektito

Finally added "slow down" support to the crawler, in case any server finds the default rate of one request per second too much. I'm a model citizen now.

馃挰 1 Reply 路 1 Thumb 路 5 days ago

馃懡 elektito

On my server logs, I see requests to gemini:///robots.txt. Is this supposed to be a valid request? Should the server fill in the missing hostname with SNI maybe?

馃挰 2 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 6 days ago

馃懡 elektito

Everytime I hear "gemini is heavier than gopher, lighter than the web", it makes me think of "duty is heavier than a mountain, death is light as a feather."

馃挰 1 Reply 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 elektito

Occsionally someone comes up with something so weird and so interestingly, that it absolves the rest of the internet for a while (only a short while!). You think you could use a sector on a real floppy disk? Grab one, while they last. There's only 2880 after all! https://sectordisk.pw/

馃挰 2 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 elektito

Moved my capsule to my own Gemini server, which is now called "hodhod". Source on github: https://github.com/elektito/hodhod

馃挰 2 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 elektito

Geminispace seems to be entirely devoid of anything related to the Penguins of Madagascar. That's a real shame! So I just added a page to my capsule, dedicated to collecting some of their quotes.

馃挰 0 Replies 路 5 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

馃懡 elektito

Added a couple of silly mountains to my capsule's ascii art header. I feel like quite an artist now!

馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 week ago

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