Blue Magic available in trials

A Realm Reborn

The Bowl of Embers (Hard/Extreme)

Eruption ★★★★★

The Navel (Hard/Extreme)

Mountain Buster ★★★★★

The Howling Eye (Extreme)

Feather Rain ★★★★★

The Whorleater (Hard/Extreme)

Veil of the Whorl ★★★★★

Aqua Breath ★★★★

The Striking Tree (Hard/Extreme)

Shock Strike ★★★★★

Thornmarch (Hard/Extreme)

Pom Cure ★★★

Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)

Glass Dance ★★★★★

The Dragon’s Neck

Snort ★★★★

Aqua Breath ★★★★

4-Tonze Weight ★★★★

Battle in the Big Keep

White Wind ★★★

Missile ★★★★

Eerie Soundwave ★★

A Relic Reborn - The Chimera

The Ram’s Voice ★★

The Dragon’s Voice ★★


Thok ast Thok (Hard/Extreme)

Surpanakha ★★★★★

Containment Bay P1T6

Quasar ★★★★★



Stotram ★★

Hells’ Kier

Phantom Flurry ★★★★★

Castrum Fluminis

Nightbloom ★★★★★