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4000-series integrated ciruit reference

This page is to be a compendium of technical details on various 4000-series integrated circuits, for quick reference.

4017 (Decade counter, individual outputs)

See the [Texas Instruments CD4017B datasheet](https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cd4022b.pdf)

The 4017 is a decade counter with 10 individual outputs.

   5 -|1    16|- V'DD
   1 -|2    15|- RESET
   0 -|3    14|- CLK
   2 -|4    13|- ~CE
   6 -|5    12|- CARRY
   7 -|6    11|- 9
   3 -|7    10|- 4
V'SS -|8     9|- 8

 V'SS: Ground
CARRY: Carry out
  ~CE: Clock inhibit
  CLK: Clock
RESET: Reset
 V'DD: Supply voltage

The device starts with all output pins low, other than output pin `0` (physical pin 3), which is high. If `~CE` is low, each transition of `CLOCK` from low to high will bring the active output pin low and bring high the next output pin in the sequence.

The `CARRY` pin is high when the active output is `0`/`1`/`2`/`3`/`4`, and is low when the active output is `5`/`6`/`7`/`8`/`9`. This has the effect that `CARRY` will transition from low to high when the output rolls over from `9` to `0`, and so can be chained to the `CLOCK` pin on a separate device.

Transitioning the `RESET` pin from low to high will bring the active output pin low and bring output pin `0` high.



*Note: There is no maximum clock transition duration if pin 14 is used for the clock input, as this pin has a Schmitt trigger input.