Welcome to my small site. My name is Jorge and I'm living with my partner and our kid in Valencia, Spain. My background is in Cartography and Geodesy Engineering, and I develop my professional career around Geospatial Information Systems and Open Source Software and Data. I'm currently working at Elastic[1] at the Kibana[2] Presentation and Maps team as a geospatial engineer.
2: https://www.elastic.co/kibana
This site is focused on **simplicity** and **readability** and published both as a *Small Web*[3] (that is: no JavaScript, no cookies, no bloated styles and layouts) and as a *Gemini Capsule*[4]. If you don't know about Gemini take a look this quick start[5].
Please let me know if you have any thoughts about anything shared here, I'll be delighted to get your feedback.
🗓 Most recent update of what's going on
😴 Bedtime tales for kids in Spanish
🌐 Pointers to my Internet presence
🗣 Materials and slides from talks and workshops
🎓 A brief description of my professional career
2023-04-16 | 2m | Re: My create article script [meta, techie]
2023-04-05 | 2m | March 2023 [update]
2023-03-31 | 3m | Backup Day [techie]
2023-03-28 | 3m | Logseq [techie]
2023-03-10 | 2m | Martin Isenburg's legacy [geo, ramblings]
2023-03-07 | 3m | February 2023 [update]
2023-02-02 | 2m | Instrucciones de funcionamiento [ramblings]
2023-01-31 | 4m | Inbox Zero [techie]
2023-01-30 | 2m | January 2023 [update]
2023-01-30 | 2m | Un par de recetas [ramblings]