Please, make yourself comfy. Reach out, chat w/ other geminauts @ this cozy lil settlement, link your cap, bring up topics, etc. Let's keep it friendly and SFW. 🤠TY!
Check Out The Menu & Make an Order
- Resigned from my job. A little anxious about the job research. At least I get some time to myself.
Hello everyone, that's a nice café here :-)
- ERnsTL
I just discovered this through Exploration surprise. This is really cool!
- Cobra!
hi all. hope you're all doing well.
- winter
@tortillaretreat Lagrange supports it I believe.
- zzzen
Does anyone know which clients can use the stream on Gemini Chat? I currently use amfora and it doesn't work.
- tortillaretreat
I'm not usually a fan of grinding in games, but something about Pokemon just makes it work. I wonder if it's the unusual sentimental element of helping make your pet/friend 'mon stronger?
- Basil_Mori
When i have some time i should set up a Gemini blog
- ellen
hi everyone! neat little site <3
- vincent
work is so hard
- ellen
yo gemini peeps! I'm new to gemini. so far, so clean. :)
- scOoze
- 314shadepi
i am sending immaculate vibes in the hopes that people will lead healthy, happy, safe lives in this climate. peace and love <3
- yuel
Y'all better have an awesome day >:D
- fikamedhasse
beep blop
- egello
- Baudevillain
TWEWY is a much better game on the hardware it's designed for.
- Basil_Mori
The rain in Spain stays MAINLY in the plain
- edisondotme
@sid hi sid! welcome :)
- superfxchip
@deathbyindierock > jazz bar/"library"
Yoo thx, n that sounds so chill, hope yall had fun Funny it was jazz btw, 'cause after my set the guy who booked me played his jazz set lmao
- superfxchip
@superfxchip > live show at a weed shop
thats so cool, that sounds like a blast !! i was at this jazz bar/"library" with my friends last night, i would die to play there
- deathbyindierock
- sid
@rabbit that sounds beautiful, and hi! so glad to see you around here =)
- superfxchip
saw a dragonfly yesterday flying in a large loop, not going anywhere in particular. never realized how much they may glide. flap, glide, flap, glide. so accustomed to see them flitting about with their perfect precision that its odd to watch them bobble through the air like a moth or butterfly, to sway about with the breeze. flap, glide, flap, glide. hello,
- rabbit
Good morning! Got a bowl ready, had a nice relaxing night in last night. will do so tonight 2 0=) how are yall??
- superfxchip
Hello Yesterweb Café! How are we doing this beautiful Sunday morning?
- tskaalgard
why hello ppl :3
- cinni
I played a live show at a weed shop yesterday. I got paid 50 bucks and an eighth. yyessssssssss
- superfxchip
Saaaaaame. Heatstroke is a real concern.
- Basil_Mori
Ellen I live in a desert so its always burning here lol smh
- superfxchip
Salut chez vous aussi c'est la canicule ?
- Ellen
Well I guess I'm obligated to follow up now lol
- Basil_Mori
yesss do it i wanna read it. :o
- superfxchip
@Basil_Mori do it
- Rotary
Brain's still full of Klonoa from my poorly planned game binge the other day. I'm strongly considering writing up a long and unnecessarily detailed review/rant about Door to Phantomile entirely to give myself an outlet to gush about the experience. I probably would have written one anyways, but it is what it is.
- Basil_Mori
did 2 deliveries so far. made 30 bucks off em. ill catch more work l8r, but rn i gotta wash yeeesh. @Cobra tysm! I'm glad you dig the cafe. :) how you doin?
- superfxchip
Love this idea!
- Cobra!
away from city for a while, spending time with my friends at our summerhouse. Cannot update my station profile cuz i got them certificates at my old laptop, smh
- deadstar
Chocolates with nut butter in them are kind of overrated, I'll be honest. Plain 60% dark is way better.
- Basil_Mori
@deathbyindierock ack that sucks! hope it heals soon, i h8 when hot ass pizza does that too smh
- superfxchip
my morning cereal cut up the roof of my mouth ouchies
- deathbyindierock
Greets from the dry lands. Been a long time since I saw a guestbook lying open in the wild. Stay cool folks!
- grim
@z lmao mb if the station post was misleading. I meant using a new cert for a login to make this cap. unlike gem chat where a cert assigns a s/n. It's guestbook abuse, like basil said B^). also, hi Z!!
- superfxchip
wot no cert?
- z
@Basil_Mori IKR!? It came to me the other day after realizing that this is just an input/output for posting and displaying messages, or any kinda text input really lmfaoo and all contained in a blocktext quote.
- superfxchip
I love this. This is so incredibly clever. What a brilliant abuse of guestbooking
- Basil_Mori
First! Pfft. Whoever leaves a message, I hope y'all have fun with this messageboard I decided to put up here. It's just a fun little experiment, to give yesterweb a bit of a feed on Gemini. :P HMU wherever, I use this same tag across the Gemspace.
- superfxchip