Ivan Nikitin's gemini page

I am a PhD student at the University of Glasgow under the supervision of Dr Colin Perkins and Dr Ornela Dardha.

I work on using formal methods to improve network protocol specifications and the network protocol standardisation process.

Before this, I completed my undergraduate at UofG in June 2022, with my final year dissertation analysing QUIC as a transport layer for IoT devices, specifically as the transport layer for the MQTT protocol.

You can email me at: i.nikitin.1[at]research.gla.ac.uk


My undergraduate dissertation

Some Links:


pgp key

Some Stuff I have Worked On:

OctoPrint for Fusion360

Source for my undergraduate dissertation

Posts on Apolexian's Page

2023-04-08 - Pivpn

2023-04-06 - Hello gemini