TODO This is a *proposal* for a request to send to IETF to get the
"gemini" scheme registered. It it not yet final because some points
depend on discussions about the specification. Such points are marked
with "TODO" and include the number of the ticket at the issue tracker

TODO once the spec is done, add reference to the exact point of the
specification for each case.

Scheme name: gemini

Status: Permanent

Applications/protocols that use this scheme name: The scheme will be
used by the clients and servers that follow the Gemini protocol, whose
specification is indicated later.

Contact: Sean Conner <>

Change controller: Sean Conner <>

References: <gemini://>
or <>

Scheme syntax: gemini-URI = "gemini:" "//" authority path-abempty [ "?" query ]
                [ "#" fragment ]
No userinfo component is allowed in the authority.

Scheme semantics: Gemini URI are primarily intended for actual
retrieval of resources. The authority is the name or IP address of a
server that can deliver this resource. The Gemini client is supposed
to resolve the authority to one or several IP addresses (in the case
of the DNS, with queries for A and/or AAAA records). The client then
connects with TCP to a default port of 1965. The authority may include
an alternative port.
Gemini has only one method: retrieving a resource. The client sends a
complete URI to the server and gets a resource in exchange. The
semantics of the path are opaque for the client (TODO is an empty path
equivalent to a single slash? See gemini-text#2). The fragment is
never sent to the server.

Encoding considerations: TODO this depends on a decision about whether
Gemini use URI or IRI, see protocol#1. If IRI, we need a choice about
canonicalization, and about allowed characters.

Interoperability considerations: nothing special.

Security considerations: There is no "secure" vs. "insecure"
scheme. Gemini always use TLS.
As mentioned above, no userinfo component is allowed in the authority.
The generic security issues of URI (RFC 3986, section 7) apply.