Notes about The Complex (release 3) � For those who would like to have this archive on their own system: There are other archives within this archive - do NOT �unshrink� these archives. These are files that users can download. Also do NOT split up this �package� - it should be downloaded as one file. � The first thing you should do is read or glance through the file �GM.manual� in the folder �SYSTEM.FILES�. This will tell you how to install the system. � The Complex will run on any ProDOS or HFS partition and requires: - GS/OS (System 6.0 or later) - 2MB of RAM - 3MB+ of disk space � The Complex host software, Apple IIgs Terminal Program and Spectrum� Online Display are freeware. Distribute freely. � If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached on the following: - The Complex �home� site on +61-2-417-2729 - Internet address - � Also, check out the latest information on the World Wide Web at . Sean Craig [End of document]