****************************************************************************** P C - D I S K The Harddisk Information Database DCI AG, Germany www.pc-disk.de ****************************************************************************** D T C - 7 2 8 7 DTC Interface RLL / ST506 Encoding RLL 2/7 Bus type ISA 16 Bit Add.Port - Cache/Buffer 0 / 0 KB Mirror/Duplex NO / NO Disk array - Max. HDD 2 Interleave 1:1 Head/Cyl. 16 / 2048 Sector size - Sectors/Track - Max.FDD 2 Type 1.2,1.44,360KB,720KB Device type Transf.rate 0.938 MB/s HOST 0.000 MB/s LUN sync 0.000 MB/s async Busmaster NO DMA NO BIOS YES Address Debug - I/O Port Interrupt Ext.connect. - Length FULL Op.system Driver - Compatible - Ceriticates Warranty P C - D I S K The Harddisk Information Database DCI AG, Germany www.pc-disk.de ********************************************************************** L A Y O U T ********************************************************************** DATA TECH. DTC-7287 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄJ4ÄJ3ÄJ2ÄJ1ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ÚÄÄÄ¿ ²² ²² ²² ²² ÚÄW4 ³ ³ÀÄÄÄJ5 ²² ²² ²² ²² W7ÄÙ ³ ³ ²² ²² ²² ²² ³ ³ ÚÄ¿ ²² ²² ³ ³ ÀÄW6 ²² ²² ³ ³ ²² ²² ³ ³ W5ÂÂW3 ³ ³ ÀÁÅÙ ³ ³ W2 W9ÂÂW8 ³ ³ ÀÅÁÙ ³ ³ W10 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄ¿ ÚÄÙ ÀÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÙ ÀÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÙ P C - D I S K The Harddisk Information Database DCI AG, Germany www.pc-disk.de ********************************************************************** J U M P E R S ********************************************************************** DATA TECH. DTC-7287 Jumpeer W1 ========== The 7287 does not contain Jumper W1 Jumper W2 & W3 ============== W2 and W3 jumpers are for the I/O port addresses W2 and W3 not installed = Primary port address (1F0-to 1F7, 3F2 to 3F7) W2 and W3 installed = Secondary port address (170 to 177, 372 to 377) Jumper W4 Initial Data Rate Control =================================== Jumper W4 controls the power-up data transfer rate for floppy drive. W4 installed = 250KHz W4 not installed = 500 KHz (default) Jumper W5 Firmware/Hardware Drive Select ======================================== Two modes of drive selection are supported. In the hardware drive select mode, the drive number is driven directly to the drive interface. In the firmware drive select mode, the drive number is intercepted by the controller firmware. W5 unstalled = Hardware Select Mode (default) W5 not installed = Firmware Select Mode Jumper W6 Auto-deselect mode ============================ This jumper is used to control the drive selcet light (LED). Removal of this jumper will cause the drive light (LED) to remain brightly illuminated whenever power is on. W6 installed = Auto-deselect enabled W6 not installed = Auto-deselect disabled Jumper W7 Floppy Precompensation Control ======================================== Two modes of precompensation for the floppy drive are supported on this controller. W7 installed = precompensation at 125ns W7 removed = precompensation is scaled by the data rate floppy drive is running on (125ns for 500KHz, 208ns for 300KHz, and 250ns for 250KHz). W7 is not installed at the factory. Jumper W8 ========= Jumper W8 is for internal use only and must be installed (closed) for the controller to operate. Jumper W9 BIOS Prom address =========================== The 7287 requires 16K of memory. This block can be addressed beginning at C800:0000 or D8000:0000. W9 installed = D800:0000 to DC00:0000 W9 not installed = C800:0000 to CC00:0000 (default) Jumper W10 BIOS Prom enable =========================== W10 installed = Enable the on-board BIOS PROM (default) W10 not installed = Disable the on-board BIOS PROM P C - D I S K The Harddisk Information Database DCI AG, Germany www.pc-disk.de ********************************************************************** I N S T A L L ********************************************************************** DATA TECH. DTC-7287 JUMPER SETTING INSTALLATION OF THE DISK DRIVES =============================== The 7287 controller has four cable connectors: J1, J2, J3, and J4. Floppy Drive Installation ========================= Single - Floppy drive System ---------------------------- Install the 34 pin header connector onto J1 of the controller with the colored edge of the twisted ribbon cable aligned to pin 1. Install the 34 pin edge connector at the end of the twisted cable onto the disk drive with the colored edge of the twisted ribbon cable aligned to pin 1 of the drive edge connector. Be sure the floppy disk drive terminator is installed and set the disk drive select switches to drive select 2. This assumes the drive selects are numbered 1 to 4. Refer to the specification for terminator settings. Dual - Floppy drive System -------------------------- Install the 34 pin header connector onto J1 of the controller with the colored edge of the daisy chained cable aligned to pin 1. Install the other 34 pin edge connector onto the disk drives with with the colored edge of the daisy chained ribbon cable aligned to pin 1 of the drive edge connectors. Be sure the last physical floppy disk drive on the daisy chain has the terminator resistor installed The drive at the end of the cable will be used as drive A. Set both drives to drive select 2. This assumes the drive selects are numbered 1 to 4. Refer to the drive specification for terminator and drive select settings. Hard Disk Installation ====================== Single - Hard Disk System ------------------------- Install the 34 pin header connector onto J2 of the controller with the colored edge of the ribbon cable aligned to pin 1. Install the 20 pin header connector onto J3 of the conttroller with the colored edge of the ribbon cable aligend to pin 1. Install the 20 and 34 pin edge connectors to the disk drive with the colored edges of the cables aligned with pin 1 of the drive edge connectors. Be sure the disk drive has the terminating resistors installed. Set the disk drive select switches for drive select 1 when using a flat 34 pin cable and drive select 2 when using the end connector of a twisted 34 pin hard disk cable. This assumes the drive selects are numbered 1-4. Dual - Hard Disk System ----------------------- Install the 34 pin header connector onto J2 of the controller with the colored edge of the daisy chain ribbon cable aligned to pin 1. Install the 20 pin header connectors onto J3 of the controller for drive number one and J4 for drive number two. Install the two 20 pin edge connectors and the 34 pin daisy chain ribbon cable edge connector onto the disk drives with the colored edges of the cable aligned with pin 1 of the drive edge connectors. By sure the last physical drive on the daisy chain is terminated. The drive at the end of the cable will be drive C. When using a flat 34 pin daisy chain cable set drive C to drive select 1 and set drive D to drive select 2. When using a twisted 34 pin daisy chain cable, set both drives to drive select 2. This assumes the drive selects are numbered 1 to 4.