< new things, new zine



Yeah, it's fun that it gives a vibe of there being people "around" more often.

That's actually something I've been thinking about recently -- how do you keep things small in a way that creates good effects and not bad effects? I admire the Midnight because it makes Gemini accessible, so I can check in from my work computer or read the thoughts of someone who wouldn't be comfortable on the command line. At the same time, though, because it *doesn't* have that barrier to entry that command-line Gemini does, it's liable to experience more Growth which could change it undesirably. Is it possible to divide a community, cell-like, into two parts without everyone experiencing it as trauma? Is it possible to partition entry in ways that enhance everyone's experience, not just that of a favored few?

Not saying that any of that would be right for The Midnight, but it's something I'm thinking about alt-internet stuff broadly.

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