gus on Station

author: gus

2023-02-05 06:08 UTC

I want to try a little experiment - I make music, if anyone has a song topic request, I'll see what I can do, and post a link back here when the song based around the topic I pick is finished - it'll be up on my band's site gemini://

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2023-02-05 05:52 UTC

Ive seen a couple examples of people writing fiction or posting Gemini exclusive music mixtapes and things like that, has anyone come across other creative uses if the protocol? Any other Gemini filmmakers, musicians, radio hosts, etc?

· 1 Reply · 1 Thumb

2023-01-29 07:58 UTC

As a web dev, the more I learn about Gemini the cooler this protocol is. I make music, and what I think Gemini has the potential to be is a kind of haven for folk-art, a kind of digital front porch, a place where music, art, writing doesn't get lost in deluge of content.

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