:1:. .: ;fi ,0@8GL; ;G81 :C888; f888008Gi .. f8088: :0888G, .G8000GG88CLLLCCLLLftL8GG08f ,G0088i .C800088088880GG0CG8G8008G8C f8GG0L L8880088888888008CC0088808L ,G008G: .L808888888880CLLLC0G0888888G, i0GG0t.i. f88888888880ttfCCCLffG8888888C:t 1080G: L0L8888888888G;L88888@8G1G8888888GG. t0G0C..,G80088888888iL@8880088@G188888888G, t800f ifiG0GG0008888;G8888f;8888i088tf888G; t888t L0G0800GGG008f188880G888t10G0CG8880; i888t ,G000000000888LtC08880C1t8GtG08808C. :088f .1G8880GGGGG008GLfi1ftfG@8888G088G, .C88C ,tG888000000008fit880LCCf1ff88L, t880: .:tC0880088881fL@888GCG8GGL; :088t :itCCLLLt;;ffLCCGCf1;. f88G: .., ... ,;;;i1: ,G88L ,;111GCLiitf1;f1; ;088t ,iL000888@0i;;;;1i: i8881 :fG0888088888Gft;,,. ;080t. t008G0880CG888CG8i :G88L;t80G08080CLG888C08t. .t88G00G88880CCLC888GGC0Gi :L08880888880CC88800CC0C.
馃憢 A newbie in gemini world and the smallweb in general.
馃棧 Followers 1 路 Following 1 路 Logs 7 路 Docked 6 months ago
Having formating issue and read this in Gemini specification: Note also that consecutive non-blank text lines do not form any kind of coherent unit or block such as a "paragraph": all text lines are independent entities. And since I've started gemini I'm happy to set a 80 characters text width in my editor. I have now the explanation why I see some formatting issues on my capsule depending the browser or the tool which parsed it.
馃挰 8 Replies 路 2 Thumbs 路 5 months ago
And you, what browser/client are you using to browse Gemini? gemini://tilde.club/~valvin/2022/09/23/which-browser-to-use/
馃挰 9 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 5 months ago
I've switched from Lagrange to amfora and I really like it. Browsing gemini in a terminal really makes sense :)
馃挰 0 Replies 路 4 Thumbs 路 6 months ago
thanks to @af I've discovered kiln and tested it quickly on tilde.team which generates both gemini and html : gemini://tilde.team/~valvin https://tilde.team/~valvin
馃挰 2 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 6 months ago
browsing gemini brings me to tildeverse... so now I am member of tilde.club and create another capsule / gemlog: gemini://tilde.club/~valvin/gemlog/2022/09-11.gmi gemlog on tilde.club
馃挰 3 Replies 路 1 Thumb 路 6 months ago
i'm continuing to discover gemini and i'm wondering if there are capsules in my native langage (french) ? it looks like everything is english only? I can read/write english but it is difficult to me to read long text which is I think a good place for capsules. do you have any tips to find french capsules?
馃挰 11 Replies 路 7 Thumbs 路 6 months ago
Hello there I'm just dicovering this capsule :) I'm new to Gemini even if I've followed this project since the begninning. I really like how it turns while looking at this capsule. I really like how account are created. For beginner like me, it requires in Langrange to activate identity after creating it. I was redirected to my account page but had no actions available. Bye.