Started writing a Gemini server in Erlang. Took a whole to remember how to code even, let alone Socket programing but the client is now making the server hiccup so end-2-end yay! Just a small matter of programming. Not to neg on other Erlang/Elixir devs but jeez connector pools with ranch? Roll your own loop ladz lololol.
3 months ago 路 馃憤 martin, slondr, idx, devyl
Did have to rename it from the Putinist Valentina Terishkova to Leika 路 3 months ago
Server nearly finished just need to handle data input from kvs and get the failure state for certificates to be proper and break it out and do some documentation. 路 3 months ago
yeah, it's been a goodly while since I wrote Erlang Socket code. Read the docs, scratched my head, went to bed, read how ranch did its options (I was doing the verification fn wrong) read another Erlang Gemini server to work out the magic incantations to get the client side code, jobs a good 'un ;-) didn't expect to find Erlangers here though much lolol 路 3 months ago
I found the built-in ssl OTP application to be a bitter but incredibly useful friend when working on my server...Its documentation has its deficiencies, but when you actually get it working well the need for an external "connection pool" totally disappears! 路 3 months ago
Got a response from the server lolol 路 3 months ago