Need advice from people also go to gym. How do I know I exercised too much?
I started exercising almost daily at my local gym ~1.5mo ago; to loose some weight. I was an amature biker before this. Mostly commute and for fun. Now I do 45min stationary bike at gym exclusively. Just so I can be consistant. Wattage have gone up (average over exerccise period) from 145 to 185. While loosing 3.7KG.
Sometimes my legs are sore and I skip that day. That got me thinking. How do I know if I'm pushing myself too hard?
(I choose 45min dayily because that half I usually do on weekends, outdoors)
8 months ago
Honestly, it sounds like you're doing it right. The body has an immaculate way of telling us when we're tired / recovering. If you're listening and taking time off to rest, you're doing it right (for you). Aside from the other basics, of course โ eat in accordance with the deficit you're creating from exercise so you're not in too much of a deficit overall and feeling depleted, and get enough sleep. Speaking of weight loss, I really enjoyed this talk on the subject (from a more scientific point of view): ยท 8 months ago