馃懡 adou2

Anyone knows a freely accessible TTRPG to play as GM for a 10 y.o. boy? I keep care of my nephew and I thought, too late maybe, that it could be a good idea to propose to him such a game.

10 months ago 路 馃憤 arman


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7 Replies

馃懡 smokey

Update on delve if anyone is interested, just discovered a bunch of free community copies were released. when I claimed mine last night there were 43 and now there are 33. If anyone has interest I recommend grabbing a free game while you can https://blackwellwriter.itch.io/delve-a-solo-map-drawing-game 路 10 months ago

馃懡 arman

Burning Wheel isn't free, but cheap to buy. Best of all, its systems are all based on ordinary six-sided dice. It's a game more focused around story than, for example, D&D which is primarily combat-centric. Not the easiest game to learn but it's been the most rewarding TTRPG I've ever played in or GM'd. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 bavarianbarbarian

Heroquest? Easy to play at that age. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 adou2

Dungeon Drawing isn't what I'm looking for, but it's cool! 路 10 months ago

馃懡 adou2

@smokey thank you! 路 10 months ago

馃懡 smokey

Similar Dungeon-Drawing games worth looking at:

- How to Host a Dungeon, by Tony Dowler, in which you generate the Dungeon of a particular civilisation and play it out over the eons of its life cycle.

- No Country for Old Kobolds, by Steve Wallace, in which you generate the map of a continent divided in several countries with a Kobold village trying to survive in the middle.

- Ironsworn Delve, by Shawn Tomkin, an extension of the Viking-themed procedural roleplaying game, that will let you explore the deepest, darkest reaches of the Ironlands. 路 10 months ago

馃懡 smokey

While not free, DELVE is a SPTTRPG that I've been eyeing for awhile. Check out this kickstarter [1] if you want information on it, and buy it at the makers website [2] Finally check out this video [3] to see how its played and if its something to consider given your criteria. Its 5 Euro digital and 9 for a physical booklet, fairly cheap all things considered. Maybe check out some of the makers other TT games if its not up your alley.

[1] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/diamondblood/delve-a-game-of-digging-too-deep

[2] https://www.blackwellwriter.com/

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egU3-sPmFUw 路 10 months ago