< Transparently Opaque



I did seem to have followed a bit a train there :-) And there was a bit of a certain clear spirit that one tends to soak olives in, making the usual contributions.

I don't advocate pushing buttons as a goal unless fierce social critic is one's job description. Yet, there is something to be said for backing oneself away from the idea that everyone has to like you. "Am I being an ass, or does this person simply disagree with me?" is always a good self-check.

I love xkcd. There's always something right to the point to be found there :) Unless one is working for Amnesty International, or publishing online as a dissident under the thumb of an oppressive govt, then the usual cautions about sharing the kinds of things that would be targets for identity theft, and using two-factor auth where possible, should be sufficient. It's all risk assessment.

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