Saluton Stacianoj! I'm trying to set up a mirror for Konpeito, and due to space constraints I have the downloaded files from on a different drive, but symlinked into my Gemini directory... I'm using Gemserv as my server and it won't follow the symlink for some reason... feel like I'm missing something basic here, any suggestions?
8 months ago 路 馃憤 krixano, astroseneca
Note that by hardlinking you *might* be defeating that securit measure and allowing people to traverse your entire disk. 路 8 months ago
Might be their recent Changelog: Bug fix: File path is checked to make sure it's in the root directory or in ~/public_gemini 路 8 months ago
First thing I would check would probably be permissions 路 8 months ago
@lykso tried that, no joy... 路 8 months ago
If you're just symlinking the files, you might try hard links (`ln` without the `-s` flag). Likely gemserv just doesn't follow symlinks for whatever reason. 路 8 months ago