
An outline note-taking editor.

Just what it says on the tin: OutNoted is an editor for outlines made of one-line notes, inspired by the old Linux/BSD tool `hnb`.

Screenshot of OutNoted (66K)

This is my second attempt to make one; my interest in outliners dates back almost five years. The first time I failed however, because outliners are complicated.

The outline of a game

The trick, as with many other things, is paring them down to the essence.


OutNoted is offered under the MIT license; see source code.

OutNoted v1.3.2 (28K)

System requirements:

As of 26 February 2023, the code has been used in production for almost eighteen months without incidents. See also:

Project news

Read-me file

(The latter is mostly a mirror of this page.)



How to use

Key bindings

(Many bindings have a Command- equivalent for Mac users.)

Other bindings are shown in the menu.



See also

Scrunch Edit: an offshoot project that complements OutNoted.

Keep an EyeOut: a tool to eye the outline of various documents.

hnb: the old text-based outliner for Linux and BSD that inspired OutNoted.

Last updated: 26 February 2023

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