cbs eye mobile


So, I was browsing the App Store on my iPod and came across something called "CBS Eye Mobile." It's one of those inevitable, but very cool, results of our technological evolution.

Basically, it's a place that collects photos and videos from 'citizen reporters.' People can just snap a photo or some video with their iPhone and post it for the rest of us to see. It's like democratic (in the true sense of the word) journalism.

You see things that the 'real' media would never deign to show. Photos of Riot Police arresting protestors at the RNC. Pictures of streets flooded by Tropical Storm Hanna. Even pictures from the Penny Arcade Expo (I don't expect anyone to actually know what that is). There's even a photo that some guy took through his screen door of a car crashed up against a stop sign. Not earth shattering, but it was something that he thought was noteworthy and he put the picture up.

It's an interesting thing.